Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Project 6 - First Progress Review

    So far, I'm really happy with what I have. I'm looking forward to getting some different and more outside shots on Friday. Also want to mention for the critique, because it'll come up, yes, the black things (pots/pans) in the second photo need to be moved. I'll fix that in the future.


  1. Hey Hannah! The project looks like it's coming along really nicely! I love how much I am able to learn about this woman through the different images. Though I haven't read your proposal, the story I am reading seems to be about her living life with a limited amount of vision, given how closely she hold everything to read it and how near to the television she is. I really enjoy the way you have framed the images, captured the expressions, and included enough of the environment to give context, but not too much that it distracts from the subject. Overall, great work so far! I can't think of any critiques!

  2. Hi Hannah! within the first three shots I thoughts the essay was about the life of your grandma, until the fourth photo and I realized this might be the life through her eyes, literally, good job. For the sequencing, maybe if you posted the photo of the eyes first it would've been more clear on the story that's being conveyed, if that's the story that's even being conveyed. and the photo of her looking at the remote could've been posted before the photo of her near the t.v. The document photo of her, I would keep for the final sequence.

    A suggestion for a future photo would be changing the pov in a few of them to front profile while an object is being observed so we're able to see more of emotion in her eyes/face.

    Overall you did a wonderful job to the start of your process, keep it up!


Project Six - Final